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Top 30 School Search

Our most powerful Search Tool that you will not find anywhere else. Find the top 30 Schools that have homes for sale right now that match your real estate requirements, including your maximum walking distance to train. No realtor could conduct this kind of search for you. to start your search.

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Enjoy up to 50% off the regular hourly rate for our partner education consultants. Register Now to unlock your unique promo code, and use it to book an appointment with one of our partner education consultants.

Give Back

If you use a SchoolSparrow partner agent to purchase your home, SchoolSparrow will facilitate a donation to your school's parent group on your behalf. The parent group will in turn donate half the proceeds to an underprivileged school of their choice. Our Partner Agents are the lifeblood of SchoolSparrow. They are trained to conduct school focused home searches, and they will help you avoid pitfalls when conducting a School + Home Search. Let SchoolSparrow introduce you to the right Agent for your Search. No obligations. Get Introduced Today

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School-based Real Estate Data

Register Now to get access to our real-time comprehensive Real Estate data, sortable and segmented by School. Use our months of inventory indicator to help decide which schools might be a buyers market. Type your school in the search bar to see average price sold for single family homes with 3 or more bedrooms, or the average per square foot sale price of condos in the last 30, 60, 90, 180 or 365 days. No where else can you see this level of real estate data segmented by school.

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For Suburban buyers, you need this to be sure you are seeing all available properties in your school boundaries. Register Now to get this valuable feature exclusively available through

Karen G.

"SchoolSparrow helped me find a great home in the attendance boundaries of the school we wanted. I would recommend SchoolSparrow to anyone who is looking for a home where Public Schools are a factor."

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